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CERT Coordination Center

Apple Mac OS X fails to properly handle corrupted DMG image structures

Vulnerability Note VU#367424

Original Release Date: 2006-11-22 | Last Revised: 2007-03-20


Apple Mac OS X fails to properly handle corrupted DMG image structures. The complete impact of this vulnerability is unclear, but may include execution of arbitrary code or denial of service.


A vulnerability in the way Mac OS X handles malformed DMG files could lead to a memory corruption.

We are aware of publicly available proof-of-concept code that demonstrates this vulnerability.


The complete impact of this vulnerability is unclear, but may include execution of arbitrary code or denial of service.



Apple has issued an upgrade to address this issue. See Apple Security Update 2007-003 for more details.

Disable Open “safe” files after downloading option

For instructions on how to disable the Open “safe” files after downloading option in Safari, please refer to the Safari section of the Securing Your Web Browser document.

Do not access DMG files from untrusted sources

Do not download DMG files from unknown or untrusted sources. Do not open unfamiliar or unexpected links, particularly those delivered in email messages. Please see Cyber Security Tip ST04-014.

Vendor Information


CVSS Metrics

Group Score Vector



This issue was reported in Month of Kernel Bugs MOKB-20-11-2006 by LMH.

This document was written by Chris Taschner.

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-2006-6061
Severity Metric: 15.99
Date Public: 2006-11-20
Date First Published: 2006-11-22
Date Last Updated: 2007-03-20 13:57 UTC
Document Revision: 33

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