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CERT Coordination Center

Esri ArcGIS server 10.1 contains a blind SQL injection vulnerability

Vulnerability Note VU#795644

Original Release Date: 2012-11-09 | Last Revised: 2012-11-19


Esri's ArcGIS server version 10.1 contains a blind SQL injection vulnerability that allows remote attackers to execute a subset of SQL commands via a query operation where clause.


The Esri ArcGIS server version 10.1 contains a blind SQL injection vulnerability (CWE-89) for REST service queries. The where form field when constructing a query does not properly sanitize SQL commands from the input.

http://<FQDN/IP>:6080/arcgis/rest/services/<SERVICE WITH QUERY SUPPORT>/query?f=json&where=featured%3Dtrue&returnGeometry=true&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects


A remote authenticated attacker may be able to run a subset of SQL commands against the back-end database.


Apply an Update

Esri released an update to ArcGIS Server 10.1 Service Pack 1. If you cannot patch, please consider the following workarounds.

Disable the query

The query operation may be disabled via ArcGIS Manager for each service.

Restrict access

As a general good security practice, only allow connections from trusted hosts and networks. Note that restricting access does not prevent SQLi attacks since the attack comes as an SQL request from a legitimate user's host. Restricting access would prevent an attacker from accessing a web interface using stolen credentials from a blocked network location.

Vendor Information


CVSS Metrics

Group Score Vector
Base 6.5 AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P
Temporal 5.9 E:POC/RL:U/RC:C
Environmental 4.4 CDP:ND/TD:M/CR:ND/IR:ND/AR:ND



Thank you to the reporter that wishes to remain anonymous.

This document was written by Jared Allar.

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-2012-4949
Date Public: 2012-10-29
Date First Published: 2012-11-09
Date Last Updated: 2012-11-19 16:05 UTC
Document Revision: 32

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