Macromedia Inc. Affected

Notified:  April 15, 2002 Updated: June 12, 2002



Vendor Statement

"When loading media files into Macromedia Flash Player 6, the media will continue to load even if Macromedia Flash Player 6 makes additional requests for media (i.e. .swf, .jpg or .mp3 files), or if the user leaves the webpage. "In most cases this will not affect performance, but with larger media files, users may notice a degradation of Internet bandwidth available during the period that the media is downloaded to Macromedia Flash Player 6. Once the media has downloaded, then the bandwidth available will resume to its previous state. "This issue only occurs in the ActiveX version of Macromedia Flash Player available for Microsoft Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows platforms. "Macromedia has isolated the issue and will be releasing an updated browser player for all platforms.... The new player will be greater than version 6,0,25,0 and will be available for download in the next 5-7 business days from: "Macromedia will also be providing updated HTML that developers can use to ensure that their users automatically receive the updated Macromedia Flash Player. A TechNote detailing this will be available when we release the updated Macromedia Flash Player at the following URL: "

Vendor Information

The vendor has not provided us with any further information regarding this vulnerability.


The CERT/CC has no additional comments at this time.