Notified: October 02, 2007 Updated: November 27, 2007
Wonderware, a business unit of Invensys, is committed to collaborate with our customers and industry standards committees to provide secure applications, security best practices, deployment guidelines, tools and prescriptive guidance for maintaining a secure environment. This issue was addressed in InTouch 9.0 and later versions. In addition to Restricting access per Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-31, alternative solutions and additional information can be found in Wonderware’s Tech Alert 98 posted on our website. (Please note that access to the Tech Alert will require that you register on our web site.) Wonderware users interested in upgrading should contact Wonderware or their local distributor.
The vendor has not provided us with any further information regarding this vulnerability.
Wonderware users should see Wonderware Tech Alert 98 for more information (registration required) or contact Wonderware for more information
Updated: February 25, 2008
NetDDE shared folder is appeared when InTouch 8.0 or older version is installed. Though this issue is not affected Takebishi's products directly, Takebishi is going to support their customers if any caused by this issue.
The vendor has not provided us with any further information regarding this vulnerability.
Please see