Vulnerability Notes Database
The Vulnerability Notes Database provides information about software vulnerabilities. Vulnerability notes include summaries, technical details, remediation information, and lists of affected vendors. Most vulnerability notes are the result of private coordination and disclosure efforts. For more comprehensive coverage of public vulnerability reports, consider the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). CERT/CC also publishes the Vulnerability Notes Data Archive on GitHub.
Recently Published Vulnerabilities
VU#163057: BMC software fails to validate IPMI session.
April 30, 2024
Search over 3,500 vulnerability notes affecting over 2,300 vendors.
Want to report a vulnerability?
The CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) prioritizes coordination efforts on vulnerabilities that affect multiple vendors or that impact safety, critical or internet infrastructure, or national security. We also prioritize reports that affect sectors that are new to vulnerability disclosure. We may be able to provide assistance for reports when the coordination process breaks down.
Before reporting a vulnerability to us, we recommend reading our vulnerability disclosure policy and guidance.