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CERT Coordination Center

Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) executes code as Local System

Vulnerability Note VU#107280

Original Release Date: 2002-07-13 | Last Revised: 2002-07-13


The Windows 2000 Network DDE agent permits local users to execute commands with system privileges.


Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is an interprocess communication mechanism used in Microsoft Windows. A DDE share is an area of memory which is used to store and retrieve data. Network DDE is used between process on two different computers that wish to communicate using DDE. The service that manages this network communication is called the Network DDE Agent. When a share is marked by its creator as a truted share, it can be used by the Network DDE Agent.

When a trusted share is accessed by a local user, part of the request can include an application that will be invoked by the Network DDE Agent. Under Windows 2000, this application will run with Local System privileges. Since any local user can created trusted shares, it is possible for an intruder who already has access to the system to leverage this vulnerability to execute an arbitrary program with Local System privileges. For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-007. Additionally, see the bulletin provided by @Stake on this issue.


Local users can execute arbitrary commands with system privileges.


Apply a patch as described in MS01-007.

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Thanks to Microsoft and @Stake for the information provided in their bulletins.

This document was written by Shawn V Hernan based on information provided by Microsoft and @Stake.

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-2001-0015
Severity Metric: 25.73
Date Public: 2001-02-05
Date First Published: 2002-07-13
Date Last Updated: 2002-07-13 23:59 UTC
Document Revision: 13

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