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CERT Coordination Center

Microsoft scriptlet.typlib ActiveX object unsafe for scripting from Internet Explorer

Vulnerability Note VU#12746

Original Release Date: 2002-03-29 | Last Revised: 2002-03-29


The ActiveX control "scriptlet.typlib" is incorrectly marked "safe for scripting" in Internet Explorer (IE) versions 4.0 and 5.0, when it is actually unsafe for scripting.


There exists a vulnerability in the default installation of an ActiveX control named "scriptlet.typlib," used by developers to create type libraries for Windows Script Components. This ActiveX control allows local files to be created or modified and thus is unsafe for scripting by IE. However, it is incorrectly marked "safe for scripting" in IE versions 4.0 and 5.0 for Windows.


Any HTML document rendered in IE may call scriptlet.typlib and, without any warning displayed by IE, create or edit files with all permissions of the client user. Such attacks can occur when visiting unfriendly web sites, or rendering embedded HTML in email, newsgroup postings, or even server log entries.


Install the appropriate patches available at:

Disable ActiveX controls in IE.

Vendor Information


CVSS Metrics

Group Score Vector



Thanks to Michael Kelfer for reporting this vulnerability.

This document was written by Shawn Van Ittersum.

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-1999-0668
Severity Metric: 1.85
Date Public: 1999-08-21
Date First Published: 2002-03-29
Date Last Updated: 2002-03-29 22:56 UTC
Document Revision: 20

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