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CERT Coordination Center

Distributed GL Daemon (DGLD) allows attackers to identify IRIX systems

Vulnerability Note VU#28027

Original Release Date: 2000-10-27 | Last Revised: 2002-03-05


Attackers are using the presence of the dgld service to identify SGI IRIX systems.


The CERT/CC has received multiple reports of an apparent vulnerability in the Distributed GL Daemon on SGI IRIX systems. Upon further investigation, it is our belief that no vulnerability exists in dgld. However, this activity is still significant in that it allows attackers to identify systems running IRIX, which can subsequently be attacked via vulnerabilities such as the ObjectServer (VU#16642) or df (VU#20851) vulnerabilities.


Remote users scanning for a dgld service running port on port 5232 may be able to identify victim sites running IRIX.


The CERT/CC does not believe that there is a vulnerability in dgld. However, sites that do not use dgld should disable it on IRIX hosts to avoid exposing information about the nature of such hosts.

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The CERT/CC thanks SGI for their assistance in researching this issue.

This document was written by Jeffrey P Lanza.

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-2000-0893
Severity Metric: 0.14
Date Public: 2000-10-27
Date First Published: 2000-10-27
Date Last Updated: 2002-03-05 20:21 UTC
Document Revision: 24

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