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CERT Coordination Center

Buffer Overflow in Lotus Domino Mail Server

Vulnerability Note VU#666872

Original Release Date: 2001-02-08 | Last Revised: 2001-02-08


Lotus Domino R5 SMTP Server Contains a Buffer Overflow


The Lotus Domino R5 SMTP server allows an administrator to restrict the domains from which the server will accept mail. In versions of Domino R5 prior to version 5.0.6 with domain restrictions enabled an intruder may be able to overflow a buffer and execute code or disrupt the ordinary operation of the server. Servers without domain restrictions are not affaected, nor are versions 4.x and earlier.

Additional detail can be found in a Lotus Customer Support Technote.


Intruders can execute code with the privileges of the process running the SMTP server.


Upgrade to Domino version 5.0.6.

Removing domain restrictions will eliminate this vulnerability, but may not be consistent with other security policies at your site.

Vendor Information


CVSS Metrics

Group Score Vector



This issue was originally discovered and reported by Security Research Team, who published their finding as SAFER Security Bulletin 010123.EXP.1.10.

This document was written by Shawn V. Hernan

Other Information

CVE IDs: CVE-2001-0260
Severity Metric: 13.37
Date Public: 2001-01-23
Date First Published: 2001-02-08
Date Last Updated: 2001-02-08 03:16 UTC
Document Revision: 7

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